Hello blogland!
I originally wanted a blog for my beloved to keep up with what I am doing in my life. He is currently in boot camp and can't access this blog, but once he gets to Advanced Training he will read it every day ;P I do send him letters every day, but there is only so much I can cram into that tiny envelope!
I also wanted a blog to share my stuff! I have been using craftster for so long that I cant remember when I started there. But, I have all of my posts and things spread out on different boards! I decided that here would be a better place to store them all together.
Don't worry I am going to be perking this place up soon with a new heading and all that cute stuff. Hopefully Ill get it right the first time so I wont gather any haterz (thats right, I said haterz with a Z). So stay tuned. He will have a lot of catching up to do.
Edited to add: I updated the colors, I just couldn't stand it being so plain.
I originally wanted a blog for my beloved to keep up with what I am doing in my life. He is currently in boot camp and can't access this blog, but once he gets to Advanced Training he will read it every day ;P I do send him letters every day, but there is only so much I can cram into that tiny envelope!
I also wanted a blog to share my stuff! I have been using craftster for so long that I cant remember when I started there. But, I have all of my posts and things spread out on different boards! I decided that here would be a better place to store them all together.
Don't worry I am going to be perking this place up soon with a new heading and all that cute stuff. Hopefully Ill get it right the first time so I wont gather any haterz (thats right, I said haterz with a Z). So stay tuned. He will have a lot of catching up to do.
Edited to add: I updated the colors, I just couldn't stand it being so plain.