Sunday, December 21, 2008

Finally Home

So this photo is from Hector's graduation day. He looks so cute with his father and two younger brothers. After picking him up we went to visit his family in Florida and that is where I am now. I don't want this to end, I am too happy :)

Friday, December 5, 2008


STU / Diagram of Excitement
Originally uploaded by enzym

I found this on flickr and it is exactly how I feel right now. My excitement and happiness is bubbling over everywhere and I just can't hold still! There are only 10 days until I get to go to South Carolina! I can not wait!!!! :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Photograhy Outing

Just the Two of Us.
Originally uploaded by darkladymajesta

Hey! I spent a few hours this afternoon walking on the Noland Trail and taking photos. Then I went to target and got them scanned. Still using my mom's camera for fun. I know photography is over but my photographic journey is only beginning. Can't you just imagine sitting on those benches chatting about anything and everything? I can't wait until December 15th. Until then I will be imagining long hikes in the woods as far away from civilization as I can get, all with my sweet heart <3

P.S. - There are more photos on my Flickr.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Less than 40 days!

Gyah! There are less than 40 days until I get to see Hector! I am so excited! I got so much accomplished today too. It must be the research paper looming on the horizon that makes me get so much done. My room is so clean and I have a new layout finished for my scrapbook! XD

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mapping my walks.

This is where I plan on walking before school. Since my classes are pretty early, I will have to wake up and actually go. This tool is pretty neat, I might use it for other walks/runs in the future.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

First Post!

Hello blogland!

I originally wanted a blog for my beloved to keep up with what I am doing in my life. He is currently in boot camp and can't access this blog, but once he gets to Advanced Training he will read it every day ;P I do send him letters every day, but there is only so much I can cram into that tiny envelope!

I also wanted a blog to share my stuff! I have been using craftster for so long that I cant remember when I started there. But, I have all of my posts and things spread out on different boards! I decided that here would be a better place to store them all together.

Don't worry I am going to be perking this place up soon with a new heading and all that cute stuff. Hopefully Ill get it right the first time so I wont gather any haterz (thats right, I said haterz with a Z). So stay tuned. He will have a lot of catching up to do.

Edited to add: I updated the colors, I just couldn't stand it being so plain.